Here's an excerpt from On Morality, written in 1965. That's significant, as you'll see. Crusading moral certitude isn't new. We were hatched in that fire; it's part of the American DNA and what makes us particularly susceptible to propaganda and makes this technologically amplified conflict between our moralistic ideological religions so dangerous. Didion's Lionel Trilling quote deserves its own space and I literally squealed when I saw she used the word, "agitprop!" And the last paragraph? Ooof! We need a test for those infected with the Extremist Virus. Joan Didion has it:
Showing posts with label Radicalization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radicalization. Show all posts
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Joan Didion's 'On Morality': The Extremist Test
Here's an excerpt from On Morality, written in 1965. That's significant, as you'll see. Crusading moral certitude isn't new. We were hatched in that fire; it's part of the American DNA and what makes us particularly susceptible to propaganda and makes this technologically amplified conflict between our moralistic ideological religions so dangerous. Didion's Lionel Trilling quote deserves its own space and I literally squealed when I saw she used the word, "agitprop!" And the last paragraph? Ooof! We need a test for those infected with the Extremist Virus. Joan Didion has it:
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Propaganda or Education; Patriot or Traitor; Riot or Protest?
In one of many examples of how he knew the herd better than it knows itself, Edward Bernays, the man who took "propaganda" and rebranded it "public relations,"pointed out in the late 20's that whether you perceive something as "propaganda" or "education" depends upon what you've adopted to explain the world for you: your belief system; which god you worship. That's shamefully self-evident and explains why most are, almost literally, physically unable to consume "their" "news."
Whether you would have seen our 18th century mobs as "patriots" or "traitors" depended upon the same thing: chosen identity and an adopted perspective skewed by subjective "faith." Stampeding herd dynamics functioned the same in Boston and Philadelphia as in Paris, Moscow, Havana, and Berlin. The difference between these four and ours is that our founders understood and feared the mob. They attempted to straddle saddling a temporarily useful but snarling and unpredictably dangerous beast with long-term stability and "liberty."
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Crowd: Mencken or LeBon?
Several times over the last few years, I'd bounced a counterargument around in my notebooks: the possibility that LeBon's character sketch of The Crowd has it backwards. The existence of a mob mentality is unquestionable, but maybe it doesn't psychologically transform an otherwise reasonable individual into a frothing barbarian. Instead, perhaps the induced hypnotic flock-state simply unleashes the domesticated savage's suppressed impulses; ones that are always boiling just beneath his thin civilized veneer.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
5/9/20 - Stories, Hope, and The Propaganda Paradox
Todd's adventures in leaving the house after 5-weeks, a quick review of the crappy Vaporesso Target PM-80, the supposed "wisdom" of the bewildered herd, belief and truth are mutually exclusive, atheists: leave the non-phallus swinging faithful alone, the crucial crusading distinction between religious & ideological zealots, and why the simple human need for hope probably makes us powerless against tasty propaganda.
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--Be sure you're subscribed to an genuine and authentic Escaping The Cave feed!
Friday, April 24, 2020
4/24/20 - Seekers, Preachers, & The Covid Reality Wars
Toddzilla delivers his overdue Message of Hope™ featuring topics like strutting stupidity, social media's performance addiction, Hobbes' inevitable civil war, the need for propaganda, and releasing our infected cattle back into the bewildered herd. Book your children's party now! Use promo code "Leviathan Rising" to get 50% off!
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--Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
3/11/20 - The Primaries: Noise Makers vs. The Majority
The Sober Majority and why Biden's resurrection and surge should surprise no one. Bernie's "revolution" was always fueled by Clinton disgust and a foolish dependency on a Youthquake fantasy. Mike Pence is a Biden asset, Jill the Vulture is back, and embrace Biden: he's far from certain but all you've got; the only thing that "can" work. Also, a 2024 wokeflake warning.
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--Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!
Friday, March 6, 2020
3/6/20 - "Insurgent Drag Queen" Or "Go Be a Snake"
The Michigan primary is here. Which will it be? The invasive ideology or the country? An extremist biopsy and how they're using our own poorly guarded institutions and exploiting hatred to hijack the political parties. "The fascists seize power to forestall the communists; the communists seize power to forestall the fascists": choosing between the authoritarian and totalitarian means we all lose. Also, "Lizzie was sunk by sexism!" Was she? Was she really?
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--Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
3/5/20 - Insurrection, Resurrection, and The Rubicon
Super Tuesday Political Dump. How did Biden revive himself? It's simple, really. Fighting extremism with extremism is suicide. Also, fanatical ideological religions, the UK canary in the colony's coal mine, our own wokeflake tumor, the Youthquake fantasy, and your righteous revolution: who's actually buying?
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--Fuck Twitter!
--Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!
--Fuck Twitter!
Monday, March 2, 2020
3/2/20 - Propaganda, Trust, Coronavirus, and You
How will the for-profit boutique/reality show/agitation news media model affect how we respond to the virus? Have a drink. Make sure it's not bleach. Includes a quick introduction to Matt Taibbi's book Hate Inc. and material from Your Undivided Attention on the reality apathy and the abandonment of trust in public institutions and each other.
Listen to Your Undivided Attention here:
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Sunday, February 23, 2020
2/23/20 - "Vladdy Loves Bernie?" Or "It's The Destabilization, Dummy!"
Of course Putin's playing both sides and assisting Bernie in the Democratic primary. It's about agitation, discord, and eroding the public's already fractured belief it itself, not ideology. This is the perfect insurgent agitation storm: who in this country are more divisive than Bernie, AOC, and Trump? The Russians aren't to blame. We are. Also, why Informational Education programs aren't coming, the simple and cynical reason our for-profit media outlets and political "leadership" won't help us immunize ourselves from foreign propaganda, and Walter Lippmann on free speech and why Facebook must eventually take the fall for our unwillingness to tell truth from falsehood. Includes a quick refresher on 2016's multi-pronged disinformation/partitioning campaign as well as a recap on Jacques Ellul's agitation propaganda material regarding the unleashing of hatred. Introducing: The Rant Alert!
Listen to "Your Undivided Attention" here:
Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!
Listen to "Your Undivided Attention" here:
Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
1/28/20 - The Boldness of the Herd, Political Atheism, Our Glowing Christ
The next great war: intellectual autonomy. The bold certainty of the herd, the challenges of independent thought and why seeing someone who is genuinely their own Man is so rare, the media has supplanted the church, disengaging from the ideological Holy War in favor of political atheism, and Toddzilla's Paradox: the conflict between intellectual independence and the desperate human need to belong. Still available for children's parties! Now doing bat mitzvahs!
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- A quick impeachment fart
- You want an authoritarian
- Political Vampires
- Algorithms, Lippmann, Bernays, and You
- Silver Spoons: A Hate Crime
- The filthy Centrus Americanus
- Friendship: Loyalty & Support vs. Honesty
- Nothing can be done about climate change
- Data Overload revisited
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Thursday, January 23, 2020
1/23/20 - Hilerpes; Bernie & The Suckerfish
Hilary's flared up again, this time on Bernie's groin while Tulsi sues to find out if Valtrex is right for her. Also, It's time for the Democratic Socialist's Red Tea Party to get off the DNC's guest couch, pack their stuff, and find their own place. Go be a dragon, Daenerys.
Remember: Toddzilla didn't kill himself.
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Remember: Toddzilla didn't kill himself.
* Subscribe on any podcatcher that doesn't suck.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2020
1/21/20 - Richmond: The 2A and MLK
Wokeflake Twitter was apoplectic when the Richmond pro-gun rally turned out to be peaceful while the rest of world asked, "What? No Antifa? Do they not believe in their holy crusade against Fascismo de Naranja?" Not really. No one asked that. I discuss Thoreau's Civil Disobedience, how it affected Gandhi and MLK, and how that's an unexpected and possible path for gun advocates to reclaiming the narrative.
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- The Invasive Species has a name
- The Democrat's fracture has gangrene
- Daenerys and the Utopian Teet
- Don't call a backdraft a boomerang
- F**K Twitter
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Sunday, January 12, 2020
1/12/20: The Great Hack & The Great War of The 21st Century
After rotting in my queue for a couple of months, and one too many recommendations, I finally watched The Great Hack on Netflix. This feature-length documentary is worthwhile as a means to understand how our stolen data is not only being sold, but used to exploit the hole in our psychological firewall to manipulate and "trigger" what they call "persuadables" into a desired response or action. Or, non-action. It's essential if you're more than slightly interested in the subject. But...
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
10/01/19: Agitational Dysfunction & Revolutionary Hatred
An introduction to LeBon, his ideas on mobs, and The Psychology of Revolution--specifically hatred. The forthcoming electoral reality show, 2020's prepared script, how the spinoffs will be cast, and what happens when our Matrix Avatar Superheroes stumble into the Desert of the Real.
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- Unrealistic expectations in the steaming pile of Twitter
- Was it your childhood dream to be Saul Goodman?
- More on pseudo-environments and internal narratives
- Fcuk Twitter
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Friday, September 27, 2019
9/27/19: Propaganda Blindspots & The Constituent Mob
Institutions fail and democracy descends into mob rule when representative are paralyzed and terrorized by fear of their voters. Trump, Ukraine, and 2020's year-long electoral reality show disguised as an idealistic impeachment. Informational sectarianism and how it's easy to see "their" propaganda. Yours? Never! Their demagogue is your savior. There may be a way for a detaching informational unicorn treat that. MSNBC, CNN, and FOX are Pepsi, Coke, and Dr. Pepper; when everything is spin and propaganda, who's a political infidel supposed to believe?
- Alternate Informational Universes
- Half-assed media sophistication: not enough
- Why can't we watch the opposition's media without going nuts?
- Our dueling scandals aren't automatically mutually exclusive
- More on the the Current Events Man
- Media isn't free. You are the product being sold.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2019
9/24/19: Wokeflake Comedy: Sociological Propaganda
A rare ETC podcast: one topic. The stage that was once the playground of Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, and even Andrew Dice Clay has been stormed by a mob of Social Vengeance Warriors hell bent on using comedy as a delivery mechanism for textbooksociological and agitation propaganda, complete with its own version of the Ten Commandments (now in print!) and a handy scapegoat Satan. When does the "Thank You, Comrade!" showcase start?
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- Controlling speech is controlling thought; Speechcrime is Thoughtcrime
- Unless Nickelback is your standard, nothing great has ever come from timid conformity.
- "Unanimity requires compliance" and defiant creative independence
- Educating and maintaining The Sufficiently Woke Comic
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Wednesday, September 18, 2019
9/18/19: Newton's Third Law of Totalitarian Messiahs
Agitation propaganda doing its work, speechcrime taking root in the form of virtual media mobs enforcing cancel culture and point-of-view authoritarianism, the Wokeflake Messiah will arrive soon, Newton's Third Law of Extremism, the slave's spirituals and frightened children scrambling to the ideological church to be soothed by visions of a future Heaven on Earth.
- Toxic Compromise
- The Election Won't Matter
- At all.
- Wokeflakes Becoming Trump
- We The Authoritarian People
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*Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and your favorite podcatcher.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
8/28/19: Monetized Agitation, Unleashing Hatred, Poking The Crackerbear
This quick primer episode is the uncomfortable preface to Jacques Ellul's agitation propaganda. I explore how our Matrix Avatars themselves act as agitation propaganda and the way the informational cyber-swamp has actually managed to monetize it. Also Ellul on the dangerous effects of suppressing innate drives and human nature, the Ideology of Happiness, the universal violent human instinct, the devastating effects of dissolving human domestication to unleash and exploit primal hatred, and the self-defeating ignorance of poking the hibernating Crackerbear.
When it's done, to quote William Munny, "Have a drink, kid."
Jacques Ellul's "Propaganda":
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When it's done, to quote William Munny, "Have a drink, kid."
Jacques Ellul's "Propaganda":
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Saturday, August 17, 2019
8/17/19: Propaganda: Dependent Drunks In Denial
On Ellul's "The Need For Propaganda." We've both developed a tolerance for and a psychological dependency on propaganda's certainty-stoking, justifying, and and self-worth generating narratives, social media is a propagandist's dream, desensitization and an increasing desire for the excitement felt from being immersed in the constant, and necessary stream of propaganda, how our addiction has allowed both traditional media and social media "influencers" to monetize the Outrage Industrial Complex, our role as retained ideological attorneys, and wishful thinking (and possibly disastrous effects) of suddenly eliminating 320-million people's propaganda narratives. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Grab a sammich for this one. And maybe a stiff drink. Hey! I never said this would be easy!
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- This is a triage situation; not a search for the "cure"
- Disinformation bit me again!
- Why we won't quit the informational drug
- A possible path to empathy
- The culture war is a War of National Narratives
- Chosen perspective becomes "personal truth"
- Provoking shame as a "debate" tool: a boomerang
- Social media "influencers": personal brands hocking a product while posing as "journalists"
- The IDW: agitation propaganda
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