Tuesday, September 24, 2019

9/24/19: Wokeflake Comedy: Sociological Propaganda

A rare ETC podcast: one topic. The stage that was once the playground of Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, and even Andrew Dice Clay has been stormed by a mob of Social Vengeance Warriors hell bent on using comedy as a delivery mechanism for textbooksociological and agitation propaganda, complete with its own version of the Ten Commandments (now in print!) and a handy scapegoat Satan. When does the "Thank You, Comrade!" showcase start?

  • Controlling speech is controlling thought; Speechcrime is Thoughtcrime
  • Unless Nickelback is your standard, nothing great has ever come from timid conformity.
  • "Unanimity requires compliance" and defiant creative independence
  • Educating and maintaining The Sufficiently Woke Comic

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*Also check out www.christophermedia.net & www.escapingthecave.com