Friday, September 27, 2019

9/27/19: Propaganda Blindspots & The Constituent Mob

Institutions fail and democracy descends into mob rule when representative are paralyzed and terrorized by fear of their voters. Trump, Ukraine, and 2020's year-long electoral reality show disguised as an idealistic impeachment. Informational sectarianism and how it's easy to see "their" propaganda. Yours? Never! Their demagogue is your savior. There may be a way for a detaching informational unicorn treat that. MSNBC, CNN, and FOX are Pepsi, Coke, and Dr. Pepper; when everything is spin and propaganda, who's a political infidel supposed to believe?

  • Alternate Informational Universes 
  • Half-assed media sophistication: not enough
  • Why can't we watch the opposition's media without going nuts?
  • Our dueling scandals aren't automatically mutually exclusive
  • More on the the Current Events Man 
  • Media isn't free. You are the product being sold. 
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