Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3/24/20 - Incompetent Negligence and Economic Eugenics

Sacrifice yourselves at Mammon's Altar, proles! As coronavirus cases spike, your president holds a FOX News rally, decides the public health experts are wrong, and that the social distancing guidelines are "too extreme." Re-election trumps public health. Criminal negligence, the Dennis Doctrine, and our vulnerable healthcare workers. Where's Fauci? We're history's lab rats.

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Friday, March 20, 2020

3/20/20 - Informational Anarchy In A Pandemic

A potentially catastrophic stress test as the healthcare system drowns inside a divided country who chose informational tribalism over preparation. Detachment is essential! And, this isn't just about the elderly, dummy!


- Media exhaustion & anxiety
- Governmental malpractice
- Trillions in revenues sacrificed to a "hoax?" Really?
- Coronavirus & 9/11
- You can't be in a play and watch it at the same time

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

3/11/20 - The Primaries: Noise Makers vs. The Majority

The Sober Majority and why Biden's resurrection and surge should surprise no one. Bernie's "revolution" was always fueled by Clinton disgust and a foolish dependency on a Youthquake fantasy. Mike Pence is a Biden asset, Jill the Vulture is back, and embrace Biden: he's far from certain but all you've got; the only thing that "can" work. Also, a 2024 wokeflake warning.

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3/11/20 - COVID Media: Crying Blitzer, Aftertruth & The Religious Mind

COVID-19: the media sounds like the Weather Channel sensationalizing a hurricane. They'd better get it right or the Aftertruth Age fully arrives. "There can be no liberty for a community which lacks the means by which to detect lies." Why doesn't matter.


  • Competing incompatible "realities"
  • Personalized Informational Warfare
  • Informational becoming literal anarchy
  • The Crackdown
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